Email User Guide

Create a new report

In bare minimum, email a message:

Taxi; 35.20; New York; Taxi to Airport

to The subject field will be the Name of the report. With EmailXpenC you can create and submit your expense reports without even needing to sign in to SAP Concur.

Report Header Fields such as Comment or Project Number (custom field) can be defined before the expense entry lines. Put each header field on its own line. For example:

Comment: Example comment
Project Number: p1234
Taxi; 50 USD; London; Taxi to Airport

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Email format

The expenses need to be on top of the email message. If there is additional texts between the expenses the remaining expenses won't get processed.

The format for the expense entries is the same for creating a new report or updating an existing report. Format the entries into the body in the following way. Each entry on its own row.

Expense Type; Amount[; Location; Description; Attributes]

The last three elements 'Location', 'Description' and 'Attributes' are optional. An example of a complete expense report might look like this.


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Update existing report

Change the subject of your message to UPDATE (no report name) to add all the expense items in your most previously created expense report.

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Itemize your hotel bill

You can itemize your expenses easily by adding rows which start with '-'.

Hotel; €500.40; Paris; 2 nights in hotel; date: 16.3.2014
- Room; 400
- Tax; 80
- Breakfast; 20.40

The itemization rows will automatically inherit the date and the currency from the parent expense. If you want to define a different date you can define it as an attribute.

- Room; 200; date: 15.3.2014

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Add attendees

Note: Attendees can be defined only if you are using the corporate license.

Already existing attendees can be given using the following syntax:

Dinner; $300; Miami; Customer meeting
- Attendee; Jack; Jackson
- Attendee; Charlie; Thompson

If your attendee is new and no one in your company has created an attendee record for the attendee in our application, you must provide the attendee type and company.

- Attendee; Jack; Jackson; Business Guest; Company A

Unfortunately we currently only have access to attendee records that have been created using EmailXpenC.

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Attach receipts

New! Single receipt
Simply attach the receipt. No reference in the email body is required.

Multiple receipts
Attach the receipts and include the attribute 'receipt: <receipt_file_name>' to each expense item that contains a receipt. For example:

Hotel; 150 USD; Boston NY, Conference accommodation; receipt: hotel_receipt.pdf

Capture email as (HTML) receipt:

Airlines and hotels often send you a receipt as an email message. To capture the email as a receipt, forward it to, add the expense entry to the top of the message and include the attribute receipt:capture. The command will capture the content of the email as a receipt for the expense item. Show picture.

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Mileage reports

To create a new entry for 'Personal Car Mileage' use the following format:

Mileage; Length<mi/km>; From location; To location; Description; Attribute1; Attribute2

You can give number of passengers or any other custom fields in attributes. For example if you had 3 passengers and you have a field 'Project Number' in your mileage form, you would write:

Mileage; 55km; London; Oxford; Trip from London to Oxford; passengers: 3; Project Number: 345

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Delegate reporting

Delegates can create and submit expense reports on behalf of another person by giving the Concur Login ID of the delegator on the first line of the message. For example if Eric Example had given a delegate permission to you, you would add a line:

Concur login:

as the first line in your message.

Please note that if you don't have a company-wide license, the delegator has to also be an EmailXpenC user so that we can create an expense report for the delegator. In case your delegator is not an EmailXpenC user we will notify him/her through email so that he/she can easily become a user.

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Field descriptions

Please find below more detailed descriptions of each of the fields in our email syntax.

Expense Type

The first element in the row. The expense type is not case sensitive but should be spelled correctly. If our system does not recognize the expense type, you will be notified with instructions and the report won't be submitted.

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The second element in the row. Amount also includes currency.

- Possible forms: '1000.50 USD', '$1000,50', '1.000,50 USD'

- Currency: If you don't define the currency we will assume that it is your local currency defined in your SAP Concur settings. Currency can be given as an ISO currency code (EUR, CAD, CNY, GBP, etc.) or as a symbol (€, $, £).

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The third element in the row. Optional element.

- Format: 'City name [Country or US state [State]]'

- Possible forms: 'Paris', 'Paris FR', 'Paris FRA', 'Paris France', 'Paris Illinois', 'Dallas Texas', 'Dallas TX', 'Dallas US Texas'

- Country: can be given as a two or three letter code or the full name.
- State: can be given as a two letter codes or the full name of the state.

The Location field should contain the name of the city, country and state where the expense entry took place. Country and state are optional but recommended as there can be many cities with the same name around the world. If country and state are not defined and we find multiple matches for the city, we prioritize the city with the most inhabitants.

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The fourth element in the row. Optional element.

Short description of the entry. This field is passed into SAP Concur as is. Maximum length of description is 64 characters.

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Starting from the fifth element. Optional elements.

- Syntax: attribute_name: attribute_value; second_attribute: second_value

You can define as many attributes as you wish. For example:

Taxi; 30; New York; description; date: 2014-4-23; receipt: my_image.jpg; Payment Type: cash

List of possible attributes:


Number of different notations are recognized. '3/14/2014', '2014-3-14', '2014.3.14', 14.3.2014' are all the same. You can also include the leading '0' in the dates if you wish.

Default value for the date is the date when our application receives your email.


The name of the attached image or pdf file you wish to add as a receipt for the expense entry. You can also capture the receipt from the message body using 'receipt: capture'. This is extremely useful if you have received a receipt in email.

Tax Receipt

Works the same way as 'Receipt' but the type of the receipt will be 'Tax Receipt'.


One of your available payment types. For example 'Cash' or 'Company Paid'.


A description for the expense entry vendor.

Any other field

Fields like: 'Comment', 'ExchangeRate', 'IsPersonal' or 'VendorDescription'. You can give any custom field that your expense types have. There is some fields that can not be given due to limitations in the Concur Expense API.

For example if your expense types have a custom field 'Project Number' you can give it in the attributes. This also works with list elements.

Taxi; 40; New York; taxi to project meeting; Project Number: 345

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